Thursday 13 October 2016

xi physics holiday home work

Dear students as i informed you about holiday homework follow the following instructions

1. Submit holiday homework in a register.
2. Same register you can use it for revision
3.this consists of total 30 numericals.

3. Before solving the H.W go through all the chapters and learn the formulae
4. H.W emphasis you more on numericals which is more important in physics.
5. Before solving H.W write chaterwise all the formulae in you register this compulsory.
6.solve the following numericals chapterwise.

Friday 7 October 2016

Xii physics holiday homework

Dear students as i informed you about holiday homework follow the following instructions

1. Submit holiday homework in a register.
2. Same register you can use it for revision during intensive classes.
3. Before solving the H.W go through all the chapters and learn the formulae
4. H.W emphasis you more on numericals which is more important in physics.
5. Before solving H.W write chaterwise all the formulae in you register this compulsory.
6.solve the following numericals chapterwise.

Thursday 6 October 2016

class x holiday home work(PHYSICS)

dear students,

Follow the given instructions:
  • submit the holiday home work in A4 size papers
  • this home work consists of diagrams and tables.
  • for all the diagrams and tables I mentioned page numbers.
  • draw all the diagrams with pencil only.
  • draw a neat labeled diagrams.
  • submission in on 17th Oct.
  • note: these diagrams carry about 10marks in the board exams.
Figure 10.2                             Pg No.     162
(a) Concave mirror
(b) Convex mirror
Figure 10.3                             Pg No.     164
Figure 10.4                             Pg No.     165
Figure 10.5                             Pg No.     165
Figure 10.6                             Pg No.     165
Figure 10.7 Ray diagrams for the image formation by a concave mirror             Pg No.     166
Figure 10.8 Formation of image by a convex mirror                                             Pg No.     167
Figure 10.10
Refraction of light through a rectangular glass slab                                              Pg No.     173
Table 10.2 Nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a convex mirror                       Pg No.167
Table 10.1 Image formation by a concave mirror for different positions of the object                       Pg No.164